exceptional women of color leaders

I am an exceptional leader [Affirmation]

I am an exceptional leader.

I acknowledge the responsibility it takes to be an exceptional leader. I realize I must be humble and confident at the same time. I am self-assured now. I stand tall. To be a leader is an honor. I respect all people and am honored to be a respected leader.

I am grateful that I have taken the time to develop my leadership skills. I see that the investment is now paying off. I am confident in my ability to lead and take care of my physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being.

I am fortunate to have taken received training and coaching in leadership development. I am grateful for the opportunities that I have had to apply all the tools and skills I have acquired to be effective in leadership.

I am blessed to have received training in public speaking. I am happy that I have developed confidence when it comes to being a speaker. Being an effective speaker is a valuable asset to becoming an exceptional leader.

I am grateful for the resources I have studied on communicating with impact and informal influence. I am grateful for all the studies I have done on mediation and effective negotiation.

I look back on all the seminars I have taken on team building, engagement, body language and leadership presence and I am grateful for those skills.

I am grateful for the powerful relationships I have developed and nurtured inside and outside of my organizations. I have trusted mentors as well as sponsors who speak up for me when I am not in the room. I have set myself up for success.

I know that I am no better than any other human being. I know that we are all equal and have gifts of value to offer this world. I also know that I have talent to lead. I am aware that there is a difference between being a leader and a boss. I keep my ego in check and treat everyone I meet with respect.

Today, I do my best to be an exceptional leader.

Questions for Reflection:

1. How can I best balance my abilities as a leader and practice self care?
2. Who else could best benefit from my experience as a leader?
4. How can I best mentor young leaders?

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